
Showing posts from August, 2022

Trust The One Thing That Can Change Everything

  Many of us have probably considered, in one way or another, what we value most in a relationship. We might not say it explicitly, but we have thought about it. Recently, I asked some people to express it. What is the number one value you want in your relationships? The most-reported value people said they wanted is trust. I am not surprised, but that has me more curious than ever about the subject. Risking to trust, in return for the adventure of being in love, opens the heart to growing and expanding; but the loss or lack of trust can close it too. Romantic love is an act of faith, and trust is required. When a connection is new, there is not much to go on except your feelings and feelings are not exceptionally reliable. There are many conceptual views of trust, what it is, and what it is not, but here is the real deal: The word comes from the  HEBREW, Batch , which means to be carefree, free of concern. The Webster definition: Confident; a reliance or resting of the mind on the int

Tips From a Psychologist For Everyone Who Loves

  You should clearly understand how your man looks at the world: what he thinks about the relationship, what he wants from life, what are his plans, and how he intends to implement them. Ladies who are inclined to operate with their illusions instead of accurate information spend years waiting for changes for the better and turn out to be unprepared for many disappointments. "When we get carried away, we tend to deceive ourselves not only about the shortcomings of the partner we choose. Often we do not want to admit the fact that his ideas about life are very different from ours. Look at the number of women who are in the position of mistresses in the hope that the man will divorce. Or those who are trying to persuade their lover to have a child, while he clearly makes it clear that this is not part of his concept of a comfortable personal life." Respect your partner Learn to hear your partner, trust him. There is no complete coincidence, people are different, and no one is i